Are You Completely Lost On The Topic Of How To Love A Man

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By Wendy Mason

Loneliness is all around us. Even though we find ourselves in a planet with billions of people, many of these people live alone. Others, who may live with others, still harbor extreme loneliness on a continual basis. In the case of woman, we find many searching for advice on:

a) How to make a man fall in love with me

b) How to make a man love you and you alone

c) How to love a man and all that he does

d) How to love a guy

e) How to make a man love you all the time

Men are different "animals". Most women realize this, right? How many women have tossed and turned late at night trying to figure men out, and how to show them that they truly care? Are gifts the best and only what that you can show that special guy that you truly do love them? In this article we will be going into this subject matter in great length. We will be exploring the various ways in which you can show him that you truly love him.

Yummy Food...

We have heard that the way to a mans heart is through his stomach. This is true for many men. Now we wont go as far as to say that food is the way to make a man fall in love with you, but every man appreciates not only good food, but the thought that goes into the preparation of that special meal.

1) To get the ball rolling we will start with the first meal of the day, which is breakfast. How about making some heart-shaped pancakes? If hes not into pancakes you could do the same thing with toast. You could go one step further and even trim the butter that will accompany the meal into a heart shape. Heart-shaped butter on heart-shaped pancakes or toast. Yum.

2) Lunch is the next meal of the day. A lot of guys take their lunch from home, and this provides you with a great opportunity to show that you love him. Why not make him his special meal for lunch, and top it off with a note saying "I love you"? Will he ever be surprised...especially when he is looking to unpack that same ole sandwich and such...

3) The last meal of the day is the evening meal, at least for most people. Even though its the last meal of the day, this doesnt mean that it has to be the least romantic. You could start things off with a dinner via candlelight. Play some romantic and soothing music in the background. That great little bottle of wine. Oh, and dont forget to make him that special meal that he often raves about.

4) Snacks are often eaten throughout the day, but a romantic snack is a very memorable invent. I wonder, did you have that special treat that you ate together when you first started dating? An ice cream cone and a walk along the lake perhaps? Nobody says that you cant recreate this experience again by "retracing your steps". Bring on the romantic snack!


People need to know that others care about them, and men are included in this group. Even though a guy may be the "strong, silent type", he can still get a tear in the eye when he sees a touching or romantic movie. If you are looking to show that guy that you love him, why not try:

1) A hug says so, so much. When he least expects it, why not give him one. Come up from behind, put your arms around him, and give him a great big bear hug. You could whisper "I love you" into his ear. No need to overdo this mind you...keep it special.

2) Listen to him. Cant get much more simple than that. For many women it so tempting to talk your mans ear off when he gets him. You want to vent and get out your frustrations. For a change, let him talk and you just listen. Dont change the subject to your day, but offer "Im listening responses" like "I see" or "Hmmm". He will remember your care and concern for him...

3) Dont forget, some guys dont like to talk at all when they get home from work. The frustrations of their day are too near and too raw. They just want to sit back and "veg" for a while. Give them all the time that they need. They will probably start to talk your ear off once they unwind a bit, but give them that time to unwind.

4) Guys (at least quite a few of them) love a good relaxing massage. Are you gifted in giving a massage? Why not unleash this talent? Start off with the back, and run your fingers through his hair. Give him every opportunity to tell you what he likes and what he doesnt like. What a great way to unwind and prepare for the evening...

Activities With Romance

A lot of guys are very energetic and adventurous. They love to try out new things and test their manliness along the way. Here are some of the things that you can do to show that you love him:

1) Pure and simple, get out of that special "box" you have built around yourself and do something that you would not normally do. Do you hate football? Instead of complaining about the sport, why not join your man on the couch and try, I mean really try, to understand it. Instead of getting that "ugh" look on your face, why not ask them sincere questions. Whats a first down? What is a quarterback? You know the type of questions we are talking about. He will be taken by surprise at first, but since he loves the game, he will love to explain the finer points to you. If hes not into football you can do a bit of research before hand to determine what questions to ask. He will remember me...

2) Does your man have chores that he needs to do? Many guys have something that they need to do around the house on a regular basis. Lets suppose this happens to be taking out the garbage every week. Why not surprise him by taking it out for him? You could say that since he is especially busy this week you thought that you would help him out. Be sure to indicate why...he may think you really enjoy it and you have found you have a new chore around the house.

3) How about a pillow fight? Did you leave this fun behind when you grew up? Who says that you have to? Many of us have had pillow fights back when we were kids and used to jump up and down on the bed. Time to renew this activity. Heres an idea. One night, when you are getting ready for bed, hall off and "wallop" that guy of yours. Hell be taken by surprise, but might get a great kick out of it. Be prepared. He might "wallop" you back, and you are off and running to an energetic little evening.

Compliments Are Great

We all love to get compliments. We like to hear that others like our clothes, our jewelry, our hair, our "whatever". Do you know how to compliment a guy? Here are a few ways:

1) Remember to say only nice things about your guy when you are out in public. Tell your friends how special he is, or how hard he works, or how much he cares for others. Word will eventually get back to that special guy of yours. He will be thrilled that all the things he is most proud of have not gone unnoticed by others.

2) Some guys are really into clothes, and they love to show off their "sense of style". If that special guy in your life loves clothes, be sure that you notice all his efforts, and doubly make sure that you tell him that you notice. He will appreciate the fact that others, especially you, notice.

3) What do you like? Is there something that your man does that you really appreciate? Does he do the dishes from time to time? Does he take the baby out for a walk when you are exhausted? Let him know that those little things he does are really appreciated.

4) You could always leave some little romantic notes in places that he will find them. Why not put one on the bathroom mirror for example? He will see it when he gets up in the morning. Why not put one on the steering wheel of his car? He will see it when he drives to work in the morning.

Buy Him Something

Gift giving is usually reserved for special occasions or holidays. Who says gifts cant be given at other times? How much more special are those gifts that are given at other times of the year. Let us get you started in your gift giving adventure. We have searched the web and have come up with some gift ideas that we think are very special and unique. How about giving that special man one of these gems:

Our Way Cool Pick #1 - Is that special man in your life into experiencing the outdoors? Perhaps he likes to fish or hike or hunt or camp? I bet that you worry about him when he is away, right? You realize that he might get lost or hurt or "whatever". What will you do then? Well here is a great gem of an item that we came across. We didnt even know that something like this existed. The "Satellite Messenger" is a small electronic device (lightweight at a mere 8oz) that will give him the ability to track his adventures and travels into the great outdoors. This device will help keep you up-to-date on his current location and his status as well. What does all this mean? It means that you will know where he is, and if he is in serious trouble as well. How much is this piece of mind worth? This little device can call for help, so it might even save his life one day. Were not the only ones who think this is a great gift idea. Backpacker Magazine gave it their 2008 Editors Choice Award. Considering what "peace of mind" this little gadget will bring you, it might be just as much a gift for you as it is for him. Check out our blog for further details and ordering information.

Way Cool Pick #2 - So what do you get that special man who happens to have everything? Have you been getting him ties and sweaters because you cant think of anything else? Well, take a look at this gem of a gift idea!!! Think he would be interested in some Fighter Pilot Training? Imagine him being able to experience the adrenaline rush of air-to-air dogfight combat like his hero aces. He will be able to experience the ultimate "natural high" in one of the best military machines that mankind has ever developed. He doesnt need a pilots license for this, and yet he can still experience all the thrills! Hes not into airplanes you say? Well, this company we have found, Great American Days, has you covered. They have a whole list of exciting adventures and experiences, and surely there is one that will "tickle his fancy". How about a trip up to the edge of space? Does he want to drive a NASCAR? How about spending the day with the team who does underwater training for the Navy SEALs? You should definitely check out all that this company has to offer. Navigate over to our blog for ordering information.

Way Cool Pick #3 - Guys love their cars. They will often tell you of their favorite car. They might not be able to afford one of these cars mind you, but they would like to have one none-the-less. You might not be able to afford one of these cars either, but why not get him the next best thing. DieCast Car Models have been selling exact replicas of cars online since the year 2001. From Fords to Ferraris, from Toyotas to Lamborghinis, from "this car" to "that car", they seem to have all makes and models. These are not just mere models mind you, they are MODELS. If that special guy in your life is a lover of cars, dont miss the opportunity to see what this great company has to offer. Check out our blog for more details and ordering information.

In Conclusion

So what do you think of all that we have said? Does it make sense? Do you have enough examples of how to show that special guy that you love him? We hope so. If not, our blog has even more information than we can possibly relay in a single article. If you would like to see more wonderful presents for men, or more information on those items listed above, please navigate over to our blog at For a selection of UNIQUE Christmas gifts, you can always check out:

Have fun loving that guy... :) - 31368

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