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By Joseph Matthews

Having trouble picking up women? Have no fear! All you need to do is follow a few simple methods to help you get the woman of your dreams!

Are you looking to start picking up women, but clueless about where to start? Chances are no one you know can help you learn to pick up women. Your friends are probably just as clueless as you are, and your family is of no help at all. Even those "Dating Experts" you see on TV are full of it, because they have to cater to the feminist media to keep their careers on track! (And as we all know, the mainstream media doesnt like helping guys get laid!)

Bottom line: Picking up women is not a politically-correct topic! If you want to have success with women TONIGHT, youre going to have to follow some practical advice that works right away. Lucky for you, Im about to share some with you right now...

First off - heres what you DONT need to pick up women. You DONT need to look like a "male model." This is a huge mistake that almost all men make. Little do they realize that close to 85% of women place more importance on how a man makes them FEEL as opposed to how he actually LOOKS.

So if you dont think youre a very attractive guy, dont worry! Theres still hope for you.

Second, you DONT have to spend a lot of money or drive an expensive car! Some of the best pick up artists Ive ever met never spend more than $30 when on a date, and many of them didnt even own a car! (And if they did, it wasnt a very nice one!)

Youll find that women can be very dont care when it comes to how much money you make or spend on them, if they LIKE you! And part of picking up women is to get the girl to like you, right?

If a girl really likes you, shes not going to care how much money you make or spend on her. And the key to picking up women is to get them to like you, right?

The secret is to have a great personality - this will make any other obstacle you think you have to getting a girl to like you obsolete!

When you know the right way to talk to women, nothing else matters. Unless youre currently a master pickup artist, you may not have a whole lot of success with women right away when using these tactics - after all, it takes time to practice and learn from your experiences. But if you actually apply what youve learned, youll soon find your success with women will skyrocket!

Finally, every good pick-up follows a structure. Its a series of steps you can actually REPEAT time and time again and get similar results.

This structure is as follows: Find the girl. Approach and meet her. Gain Rapport. Build Attraction.

These four simple steps is all you need! Youll find that if you can just meet the women you want and gain rapport with them, youll easily be able to build attraction with them too. - 31368

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