What If You Want Your Ex Girlfriend Back But Others Are Telling You To Leave Her Alone

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One of the things that I always find to be a little bit peculiar is just how eager people seem to be to give others relationship advice even when they dont seem to be doing that well in that area themselves. If you have every shared the fact that you kind of want to get back with your ex girlfriend, then I am sure that you have been told that you need to just leave her alone. And you know, while that is good advice some of the time, some of the time it is not.

There are plenty of situations where couples break up when they should have stayed together and just because others are telling you that you need to leave her alone and move on - that does not necessarily mean that it is the right thing to do.

Only you really know what is going to make you happy. People can mean well when they dish out relationship advice, but that does not always mean that they are telling you what you need to hear. Not to mention that plenty of people bring their own biases into the advice that they give out, so a lot of the time you are getting advice from someone who found it hard when they tried to win back an ex, and they expect that to be the case for you.

It does not have to be that way at all.

When you approach getting back your ex girlfriend with the right mindset and you also have a strategy that is going to work well, it can actually be easier than you would expect to win back your ex. Keep that in mind when you are getting advice from other people and realize that although they might mean well, they are not always giving you the best advice that you can get.

So, if you have been getting a lot of recommendations that you just need to move on, try and look at it from the perspective of what you want more than anything else. If you decide that getting back with your ex girlfriend is what is going to really make you happy, go for it. When you look back on a situation like this later on, you are not going to be thinking about how other people feel about your situation, you are only going to be thinking about the way that you feel. If you feel like giving it another shot with your ex girlfriend is the right thing to do, well, then you have your answer.

Just remember that you need to also develop a strategy to win her back, because it does not happen just because that is what you want. it only happens when you are able to make her feel like she wants the same thing.

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